QA-28, 4 October 2022, Statement of the Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Tanju Bilgiç, in Response to a Question Regarding the Statements Made by the EU and Greece on the Memorandum of Understanding Between Türkiye and Libya on Cooperation in the Field of Hydrocarbons

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 04.10.2022

The statements made by Greece and the Spokesperson of the EU regarding the Memorandum of Understanding signed yesterday (3 October) between Türkiye and the Government of National Unity of Libya, which envisages development of bilateral scientific, technical, technological, legal, administrative and commercial cooperation in the field of hydrocarbons, both on land and at sea, bear no significance and value for our country.

Objecting to this agreement on cooperation between two sovereign states is against both international law and the basic principles of the UN.

Greece attempts to usurp the legitimate rights of not only Türkiye but also of Libya through its maximalist maritime jurisdiction area demands and through the license areas it has published in this respect. The efforts of Greece to hamper the further development of Türkiye-Libya relations will not bear fruit.

On the other hand, the EU's support for Greece's maximalist demands and its stance of avoiding sincere dialogue and obstructing international judicial remedies, is contrary to both the EU’s own acquis and international law. The EU is not an international judicial body that can comment or adjudicate on agreements between sovereign third countries.

Therefore, we invite both the EU and its member states not to overstep their limits and authorities, and to respect the sovereignty and equality of states in accordance with international law and UN principles.


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